Princess Snow White Wedding Dollhouse spel:

1 speler, Flash | (702 KB) Datum toegevoegd 11 Sep 2015
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Anna is the ardent fan of Barbie. She has a big room in which one can witness all the latest pretty dolls of Barbie. She has named the room as Barbie. She would even comb her hair that of Barbie. If she is given a chance to act in a play, she would exactly imitate Barbie. Tomorrow summer holiday begins for the girl. So she has invited her classmates to her abode. The Barbie bathroom looks very messy. It needs cleaning. Anna is going to clean the room. She alone cannot clean the big bathroom. Clean the room neat and tidy. Pick up the waste objects and put them in the garbage. She would be very happy if you clean the room before the time runs out. Put your heads together while cleaning the bathroom.

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Princess Snow White Wedding Dollhouse
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